We have Sofa Sleepers of various styles, sizes, colours, and covers…selling at a range of pricing.
Come in to Mi Casa to have a look at our current selection.
Or, call 628-CASA (628-2272) for more information.

On the Left: LEATHER Sofa with Pull-Out Full Size Sofa Bed
On the Right: Sofa Chaise with Pull-Out Queen Size Bed ***
*** Movable Ottoman: Chaise can be Placed on the Left or Right Side
Memory Foam Mattress for Comfort and a Cooler Night’s Sleep
Easy to Pull Out
On the Left: 74″ W
On the Right: 84″ W x 61″ D
(Note: Genuine Quality Leather covers areas such as the backrests, seats,
and arm sections, where you would typically touch. The remaining areas
are covered with a matching Leatherette.)